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John Muir Elementary School


John Muir Elementary School is a unique and dynamic learning community committed to providing students with a rigorous, challenging learning experience in a caring and nurturing environment. As our vision states, John Muir Elementary School will create a safe and caring learning community of responsible members, where education is valued.

Each student will
  • Communicate effectively;
  • Act as a responsible citizen;
  • Respect diversity;
  • Demonstrate their personal best;
  • Develop positive relationships with others;
  • Achieve academic success.
Student Expectations
  • Achieve literacy in reading, writing, math, science, technology, social science, and the arts
  • Apply knowledge and skills to real life situations & engage in challenging learning experiences
  • Be responsible for schoolwork & homework assignments
  • Be responsible for care of school materials and equipment
  • View school and learning as important and valuable
  • View learning as a life-long practice
  • Make appropriate choices
  • Develop positive life skills and relationships with others
  • Always do one’s personal best
  • Respect, value and support all members of the learning community

Our aim is that our young students will gain critical academic and social skills that will serve them well as independent thinking adults, who will have a solid foundation to ultimately enter the world of work as productive citizens. These citizens must be able to apply their knowledge and, most importantly, possess the ability to problem solve and seek solutions. The ability to work in cooperation with others, to communicate effectively, to think critically and creatively, and to be flexible will find far greater implication in the coming years. Experience with technology, the development of strong math and science concepts, the ability to read well, both for pleasure and information, and the ability to communicate effectively through the written word, are key components of our program. All members of the John Muir learning community (students, parents, and educators) understand the value of a quality education and possess a love of life-long learning.

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